Oxygen Therapy At Home: Tips for Safely Using the Home Oxygen Concentrators

Oxygen is the basic element without which you can't survive. However, what if you have lung disease or other medical conditions, you may not get enough oxygen naturally for your body. In case, oxygen therapy comes into the role and help you get enough oxygen and enables you breath properly. These specialised oxygen devices not only supply you enough amount of oxygen but also enables you to live an improved life.  

While there are other ways as well to get oxygen but the best choice for you depends on how much you need, your lifestyle and other things. The standard oxygen concentrators usually have a motor and run on electricity or sometimes with batteries as well. Its prime role of the home oxygen concentrators is to takes in regular air and filter out other gases to get the oxygen. It weighs about 50 pounds and usually has wheels so you can move about while you're hooked up to it. If you have the plug-in kind of device, then you will need a backup source of oxygen in case the power goes out.

How to Safety Access Home Oxygen Concentrator at home?

Here are the precautions that you need to take when using oxygen concentrator:

●Do post a sign in the room where you have been using an oxygen concentrator and make sure that there is to be no smoking sign as well outside the room. 
●Make sure that you have a functioning smoke alarm in or right outside the room where oxygen is being used.
●While you are on the home oxygen therapy, make sure that you have a fire extinguisher close at hand by your oxygen tank and know how to use it.
●Always store your oxygen system in a well-ventilated area.
●Never turn off your oxygen when you're not even using it and don't set the mask on the bed on a chair even for a few minutes if the oxygen is turned on.
●It is advised to use 100% cotton bed linens and blankets as they are less likely to give off sparks from static electricity.
●Be sure to monitor your gauges on your oxygen equipment to make sure they are not running low, notify your oxygen supplier with plenty of time for them to deliver refills.
●In last, be sure to ask a question of your doctor about which device is best for your health.


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