Advantages of a Home Oxygen Concentrator Over Cylinders

 If you have been contemplating getting a home oxygen concentrator, there are numerous advantages that you should know. O2 treatment by nasal cannula is a typical treatment for individuals with advanced COPD, CHF, or other respiratory conditions. At the point when a chronic medical condition impairs the capacity of the lungs, it gets important to convey a cleaner type of breathable air. Higher concentrations of oxygen are delivered by a nasal cannula or cover. A home oxygen concentrator can generally just convey around five or six liters each moment. Accordingly, the gadget is appropriate for nasal cannulas however not covers, which require a higher stream rate.

O2 cylinders have been around for a long time, and they can provide a higher stream rate for patients who need to wear a cover, however, the cylinders should be frequently replaced. Patients who need assistance breathing throughout the day may go through a few cylinders per week, meaning that a transport administration should constantly convey refills. A home oxygen concentrator, however, utilizes the air from the room and therefore doesn't require refills.

Here are some of the biggest advantages of avoiding cylinders:

Reliable Supply

Individuals who get their purified breathing air from the room are less dependent on the regular shipments of tops off. While versatile variants have a battery reserve of power, the stationary units might be vulnerable to power outages. It's a smart thought to have a tank available if there should arise an occurrence of a prolonged power outage.

Ease of Transport

A few units are made for residential use, and others are little enough to be carried with a shoulder strap. Residential units regularly have wheels to be rolled between rooms, yet they are not intended to be taken on outings. Air tanks regularly accompany two wheels, and they can be rolled outdoors since they don't require power. Tanks can be difficult to lift and load into the car, especially when brimming with condensed air. The most portable alternative is the lightweight concentrator on a strap, which allows for outings without the encumbrance of a metal tank.


Leaks in the metal containers of gas can result in a room that has too much O2, which makes for an increased risk of fire. Full containers are hazardous because of the amount of pressure inside. If the neck of the container is cracked or broken by a fall or other impact, the vessel of gas could become a projectile, not unlike a torpedo or rocket. The unpredictable trajectories of ruptured gas containers can lead to severe injuries. A home oxygen concentrator does not build up pressure or have the same potential to become a hazard.

Summing Up:

While there are many advantages to units that condense and purify room air, they are not appropriate for all patients. Talking to your respiratory therapist and primary care physician can help to determine the best route for your ongoing therapeutic treatment. Many patients use a combination of both, keeping one or two cylinders of oxygen in the closet for outings.


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