Let’s Talk About All The Things That Are Helping In Diluting The Impact Of Omicron?

Covid-19 has changed the pace of the world. Though we have resumed our life, the new normal is far from normal. We all have witnessed an astronomical shift in all the aspects of your life.


The pandemic has not only transformed the way of working but has brought enormous shifts in the way we do our basic everyday activities. Distancing people has become a way of showing care and ‘negative’ has become the new positive.


Covid-19 has not yet ended and the new Omicron variant is driving the pandemic, but there are early indications that Omicron may cause less serious illness than other forms of the virus. But that is only possible if we follow strict guidelines and take all the necessary precautions.


If we want to stop omicron at the early stage, we need to buckle our shoes and be ready with all the required weapons that will help us in winning the battle against this vicious new variant. 


 Let’s talk about all the essentials that will help you in this pursuit.


Checklist of all the essentials that are required to tackle omicron


1. Home oxygen concentrators


The virus has the potential to cause hindrance in our respiratory system. It directly attacks our lungs and makes it tough for us to breathe properly.


Covid-19 has made us realize that so far we were taking such a precious thing like oxygen for granted. And thus, made us value the importance of home oxygen concentrators. As per the doctors and researchers, they are very effective against omicron as well.


Home oxygen concentrators have helped immensely in dealing with the shortage of oxygen especially during the second wave of the virus and they are needed to serve the same purpose again.


These home oxygen concentrators can be used at home owing to their lightweight and easy utilization to avoid hospital visits. Thus, having these concentrators at home is extremely primitive and beneficial in the long-run.


2. PPE Kits, masks and sanitizers


 In this new world, masks and sanitizers are our new friends. And PPE kits are our armor that helps us in fighting the battle against the vicious pandemic. If you think that they have served their purpose and it is all done and dusted, then think again.


As the communicable nature of the new variant is its biggest strength, it is vital to break its chain. PPE kits, masks and sanitizers are helping us in resisting the spreading of the virus.


They kept us safe and have a crucial role to play in saving the spread of the virus.


3. Proper diet and sufficient intake of water


You must take a proper diet as you are prone to fall ill due to the virus. Thus, you need energy to fight this merciless virus. You need to take a protein rich diet. Eat fruits that have iron in them like apples.


Dry fruits like beans, rice and oats must be the foundation of your stockpile. You should also stock up on canned foods that contain liquid, such as tomatoes, beans, and tuna.


Water intake is as imperative as a healthy diet during your fight against this vicious virus. You need to have a minimum of one gallon of water per day. If this water is warm, then it’s even better.




To fight with the Omicron we all can help our respective country by following the portals and guidelines which are issued by the our respective government to fight omicron.

We should work together to defeat the new deadly variant of Coronavirus.


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