Tips for People Travelling with Breathing Problems

Living with a breathing problem doesn't mean you can never travel, You absolutely can, but you need to follow certain tips for a stress-free and happy travelling experience. Here are these tips that you should not ignore while making travelling plans. 
Consult Your Doctor

Before planning your travel, it is wise to consult your doctor first. You may not be well enough to travel. So, your doctor would do some tests to ensure that you are fit and fine to go. 

Also, tell your doctor everything about your travelling plans, like how will you travel and for how long you will be gone. Travelling without your doctor's permission would be a huge risk to take for that may take a toll on your health.  

Keep Your Medical Papers Organized

You must obtain some vital paperwork to travel, such as an oxygen prescription and a letter from your doctor that states that you are fit to travel and also verifies all of your medications. 

Moreover, along with these medical papers, it is better to carry the contact number of your health care professionals for any medical emergencies. 

To avoid losing these crucial papers, keep them safely in a folder in an organized way. And remember that these papers are as important as your other travelling documents like passport and visa. 
Get The Medical Insurance

You never know when any medical emergency may befall, especially when you are already dealing with a breathing problem. So it is better to be prepared and secured for such contingencies with medical insurance. 

Treatments or medications can be costlier in some foreign countries, so buy travel health insurance to have a financial backup. However, invest in the right insurance that suits your requirements and covers what you need. 
Avoid Smoking Area

For people suffering from breathing problems, smoking can exacerbate the condition further. Even passive smoking can also trigger the symptoms. So, it is recommended to not only avoid smoking but also stay away from the smoking area. Whether travelling by plane, car, or ship, ensure they are smoking-free areas. 

Moreover, ask for non-smoking hotel rooms and don't go near to the places where people are smoking. Taking self-precautions like this will prevent your travelling plans from getting ruined. 
Carry Your Oxygen Concentrator

If you have a breathing problem, then your doctor might have prescribed you an oxygen concentrator. As the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) doesn't allow passengers to carry oxygen tanks or liquid oxygen on board, you are obligated to use a portable oxygen concentrator. 

However, many air carriers may ask for your doctor's statement declaring your medical requirement to use oxygen. Moreover, there are certain on-flight compliance requirements outlined by the FAA to use a portable oxygen concentrator. 

Another thing to consider when travelling with a portable oxygen concentrator is the battery. You are required to bring enough batteries to power your device for more than expected flight duration.  

So, these are five tips that you should follow while travelling. Don't miss anything, or it may cause you a huge amount of trouble.


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